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plastic removed from oceans and rivers


Thanks to the incredible support of passionate businesses worldwide we have saved the ocean from 2.650.426 kg of plastic waste since January 2021.
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Did you know?

That’s the equivalent of

plastic bottles (500 ml/ 20 gram)

plastic bags (10 g)

plastic straws (1g)

A responsible
approach to do business

UN Global Compact

We are part of The UN Global Compact – the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative and the biggest Danish network for responsible companies.

The UN Global Compact and it’s Ten Principles is a corporate sustainability initiative calling companies to do business in a way that meets fundamental responsibilities in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption, while achieving greater good by contributing to the principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

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Our commitment to the Global Goals 

On top of complying with the principles of the UN Global Compact we are also committet to support the Globals Goals.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. 

Since we were founded, we have worked tirelessly to make our sustainability commitment part of our very DNA by focusing on those of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, where we will have the biggest impact. That is why we ‘take urgent action to combat climate change’ (goal 13) and to protect ‘life below water’ (goal 14). 

By influencing, raising awareness and acting on one of the most pressing environmental issues of today, we are committed to be part of creating a better and sustainable future for generations to come. 


A documented and certified cleanup solution ensures responsible actions

Learn more about the assurance you get when you join our movement

ReSea Project ApS

Tuborg Havnevej 15



+45 70 224 080

On behalf of passionate companies worldwide we clean oceans and rivers from plastic waste and push the agenda for a plastic-free ocean.

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