Fighting climate change in a fun and rewarding way
“So far we have committed to help remove 1.605 kg plastic in just 10 months through our community and partner's movement”
Martin Lacey, CEO and founder Climategames
Saving the planet step by step
Climategames is a sports app with a clear mission: to fight climate change through workout activities. For every movement you can choose to support a good cause.
Everybody can help our planet just by downloading the Climategames app, which has users in over 110 countries.

“We have received really positive feedback around the cause, impact and traceability provided by ReSea. The world is more awake than ever to climate change and taking action“
Good actions don’t go unnoticed
In connection to Plastic-Free July, Climategames and ReSea Project held a challenge inviting everyone to move for the ocean. Users around the world logged their time spent swimming, running, cycling or walking via the app and for every kilometer crossed, ReSea Project removes plastic waste from ocean and rivers.
The campaign went well above expectations with 11.052 km moved, and the initiative has been feautered in media:

“This July, small steps have made a big difference and allowed us to collectively remove over 1000 kg of plastic waste from the ocean and rivers"
Martin Lacey

An ongoing partnership
We have not only partnered up in connection to Plastic-Free July. Climategames is a sports app for people everywhere to make a positive impact on climate change. Whether you’re an organization or private person, the app offers users the chance to support different climate goals such as planting trees, neutralise your CO2 emissions, and removing plastic waste.
ReSea Project is the dedicated partner to Climategames when it comes to removing plastic waste and fighting for a healthy ocean.
We are honored to be chosen as the best partner when it comes to removing plastic waste from ocean and rivers.
“We were looking for a credible plastic removal partner that is focused, dedicated and certified and ReSea was the obvious choice for us“
Martin Lacey, CEO and founder Climategames